Introduce Your Child To Coding and Video Game Design

Kodu Game Lab is an amazing aplication that I have used for many years with young students (Ages 7-10) to introduce them to coding and video game design. Kodu allows students to easily create a world, add characters, and code. Students use a visual-based language in Kodu to add coding blocks to the characters to create gameplay.

You can download Kodu onto your computer for free at

If you want to get your child started with Kodu, you will find a video below with activities that introduce students to the basics in Kodu.

Kodu Basics

Kodu Basics Activities

Practice what you learned by completing the activities at this link- Kodu-Basics-Activities

Coding in Kodu

If your child enjoyed learning the basics in Kodu and would like to learn how to code some of the characters they added to their world, please join our newsletter below and we will send the entire lesson, which also includes coding activities.

You will also receive monthly activities and resources to help your child create amazing things. 

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About the author: Shawn D. Walk is the owner of Create2Discover, a business dedicated to helping students discover their ability to create and shape the world around them through creating things. He has been teaching technology, coding, and 21st century skills for nearly 15 years. He is a certified elementary teacher in PA and has a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. He is also a previous owner of an educational technology company that pioneered using Minecraft as an educational tool in the Pittsburgh region. His goal is to help kids learn the skills they need in today’s world, but also help them believe they can be the creators of new technology instead of simply consuming it.

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Subscribe to our newsletter and get free instructional videos you can do with your child to help them create their own video game (ages 7-10) or Roblox game (ages 9-13). Join below!

Help Your Child Create Their Own Video Game!

Subscribe to our newsletter and get free instructional videos you can do with your child to help them create their own video game (ages 7-10) or Roblox game (ages 9-13). Join below!

Help Your Child Create Their Own Video Game!

Subscribe to our newsletter and get free instructional videos you can do with your child to help them create their own video game (ages 7-10) or Roblox game (ages 9-13). Join below!