In my coding classes, creativity is a big focus. Students improve their ability to be creative by learning how to create video games and Minecraft mods. I have also found that the kids that come into my classes with strong creative skills have an easier time solving problems and creating code. Their ability to come up with multiple solutions and see more possibilities for what they can do with code helps them create better and more in-depth digital products.

So, I would like to encourage parents to get their kids involved in as many creative pursuits as possible. This will help them in all areas of life, including coding. For this article, I would like to focus on one of my favorite programs for fostering creativity, Minecraft. Below, I have listed different online classes that you can sign your child up for that use Minecraft to get kids excited about a topic and improve their creativity.
You can click on each course to get a full description of the class as well as find registration information.
Zoology of Minecraft: Sponges, Corals, and…Sea Pickles? (Ages 11-16)
STEM Quest
Check out the link above and scroll to the bottom to see the long list of MInecraft classes this organization offers.
About Code2Discover
Your child can learn to code while they create a video game, MInecraft Mod, or Roblox game in one of Code2Discover’s online classes for Ages 7-14. Students learn concepts such as logic, loops, variables, parallel programming and more! Learn More